
Trusted Maritime Consultants

Proven training and operational support creating necessary skills to provide extremely capable and intelligent decisions for those in harm’s way. This is accomplished with training solutions and skills that provide crew members with increased situational awareness and the rapid ability to effectively respond to life-threatening situations.


Experienced Shipboard Approach to Maritime Operational and Security Situations

OceanRiver LLC is a maritime consultancy service that meets the needs of today’s operational necessities and high-risk demands in vessel, offshore platform, port, and facility safety and security, along with the normal range of marine consultancy and vessel operation.

OceanRiver can provide and carry out inspections of machinery and equipment

We can prepare reports advising you on the condition of any major machinery or equipment prior to committing to purchase or after damage has occurred. Our engineering team can help you when it comes time to convert or modify equipment to meet USCG requirements, SOLAS requirements, or maritime industrial standards.


OceanRiver can carry out investigations and recommend procedural changes

OceanRiver can carry out in the event of an accident, near miss, piracy boarding, an impartial third-party investigation to ascertain the cause and recommended procedural change to your existing plans and procedures preventing any reoccurrence.

OceanRiver consultants are former master mariners and we are U.S. Coast Guard Approved Trainers

OceanRiver consultants are former master mariners, chief engineers, U.S. Navy SEALs, and U.S. Special Forces who have had extensive training in writing, evaluating, and implementing procedures for safety and vessel security including piracy problems as well as other maritime security issues.